866-617-7381 Mailing Address: 10509 Vista Sorrento Parkway, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 eclark@c2financialcorp.com |
C2 NMLS #135622 |
C2 CA DRE #01821025 |
NMLS #233747
| CA DRE #1408122
It's quite simple. As one of the largest brokers in the nation, C2 Financial gets preferred pricing and service from its wholesale lenders. This translates into better rates and quicker closings for you.
But being a large company and closing a lot of loans on its own doesn't make the company great. What makes the company great is its commitment to the borrower to always do the right thing. We make a commitment and stick by it.
Additionally, we are very proud about the following industry achievements:
Find More Information at www.C2iLoan.com